Tuesday, March 25, 2008

first easter...

audra's first encounter with the easter bunny was calm, cool and collected. also, her first easter and with the fam. easter grub at casa de grammie and pappy vine's. also in attendance, grandma and uncle hans. however, we missed you opa!

laughin' and bouncin'...

enjoying some playtime while sporting a cincy reds hat; getting anxious for monday's opener.

getting closer to crawling...

while trying to perfect the crawl, audra stops for a breather with some toys.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

thank you ally and joe...

a little over a week ago the gigas of NY dropped in for a visit. soon after they got home, there was a present delivered to our front door. thanks for the exer-saucer, she absolutely loves it! much love.

getting a head start...

it's never too early, or too late for that matter, to introduce skateboarding.

daddy's still got it...

who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?