Saturday, November 24, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

give a shout out to mom...


daddy's little girl...

moments i always look forward to...

rough day...

all that crying, feeding and pooping really drains ya!

Friday, November 16, 2007

wild vines...

enough said...

meet the grandparents...

earlier photo of audra with her grand-crew...time to update the photo - let's get together grandfolks!

first halloween...

ahhh...candy, cooler weather, shorter days, falling leaves and neighbors scraping their vans at 5:30 in the morning! aside from that, it was the first halloween for the vine family of four and while mom and dad were passing out candy and sippin' on some ale, audra was busy posing for the camera in her mermaid costume...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

audra's talent...

now that she's free and out of the womb, audra's tearing up the streets of cincy...early retirement here we come!

gettin' inked...

from the photos you can tell that audra has her mom's great looks, but she's also got her dad's legs...inking a baby was never easier - just had to sign the right medical forms and waivers...

first train wreck, uh, we mean 'bengals game'...

it's no joke that the cincinnati bengals are not off to their best start. although excited to watch her hometeam dominate, it was short lived. i believe this photo was taken about 30 seconds after the opening kickoff, which pretty much set the tone for the entire game as well as the 07 season...

first bath

in addition to audra looking like a screaming alien from the red planet, she wanted nothing to do with the tub. since then, she's grown to like it so much that she's felt compelled to unleash the occassional brown submarine into newly charted waters, if you catch my drift...


audra on the on the on the top.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

let's back-track a bit...

in referencing the newcomer to the vine mix, let us introduce our bundle of joy - audra sue. she graced us with her presence via emergency c-section (don't worry, both audra and mommy are doing excellent) on monday, september 17, 2007 at 10:50am. she weighed a whopping 6 lbs. 13 oz while measuring 19.25in long. here she is, fresh out of the oven...